Its January again, so it is that time of year when you will be inundated with New Year’s type articles. You will read all about getting healthy by eating better, losing, weight, exercising, and more. So what makes this article any different? Honestly, not much, except that by describing why it is important to think about yourself 1st sometimes so that in the end you will be able to accomplish more.
To tell this story best, we must start at the beginning to better understand how we got here.
Every year round about mid to late November, people stop paying as much attention to their needs and focus more on others. This is not a bad thing, however, by neglecting oneself for 6-8 weeks, it takes a toll on the body. For weeks and months sometimes, people avoid or stop taking care of their own aches or pains. They push through the last part of the year not doing what the body needs to recover, instead masking the issues with pain medications or injections (because they are quick or easy).
Now that it is January, people decide it is time to take care of (name that issue). Why? Because (its resolution time and) they can no longer stand the pain, cannot sleep, or it is preventing them from doing things they want for their family or home. That back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain or other ache/pain has finally hit the breaking point impacting daily life.
And that is what got us here in the 1st place…trying to do more for others. But to do so, we must 1st take care of us and our body. It will not be possible to care for your child, grandchild, spouse, significant other, aging family member, etc if you are not in good health. To carry out the roles many want to, we must 1st be just a little selfish and make sure we are truly up to the task.
To do this, we must 1st focus on your health and wellness. Do not feel bad or ashamed about taking some time for YOU. Some time to exercise, see a healthcare provider to get those muscle and joint issues addressed, a few minutes to read/relax each day or whatever you need to do to feel better…now is the time.
So go see a Physical Therapist to address those aches or pains, see a personal trainer to get stronger, or treat yourself to a massage. By taking the time to focus on you and your health, you will be better able to care for others.
Stay tuned next wk for part 2 which will focus specifically on addressing those aches and pains.