When people hear the term physical therapy, what comes to mind? An athlete. A person after surgery. An older person with balance problems. The truth is that physical therapists (PTs) help individuals of all ages from new babies to centurions. PTs specialize in helping individuals of all ages and ability levels. PTs are like the swiss army knife for improving physical function in the human body. You need it – There is a PT to help

Physical therapists are neuromusculoskeletal experts. This means they help individuals with issues from muscle/joint aches/pains/surgery to neurological issues stemming from a stroke, MS, Parkinson’s, etc. Not yet mentioned is helping people to improve their physical mobility and quality of life.
That’s Right…physical therapists help folks to age better and remain active.
How you ask?
This is accomplished by working with individuals (regardless of the exact issue) to improve their strength, range of motion, balance, agility and more. Together, physical therapists plus the patient work to achieve the desired outcome.
What is the desired outcome?
Often that will be less pain, more strength, better endurance, and improved ability to be active in life. The reality is each individual has different objectives and goals…and it is the role of the PT to help the individual to achieve their goals.
October is National Physical Therapy Month. This month I will be sharing more information about what a PT is, does, and how they help people to live better lives.
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