Why is it important to be proactive NOW so that one can have better mobility LATER? This is a question that many people ask (and/or) a topic people avoid until they can no longer.
I want to bring in a quick car analogy here…most people regularly take their vehicle in for its routine maintenance so that it continues to run well for them. When a conscious decision is made to avoid that routine car care – the end result can be greater headache and expense because a small issue became a larger one.
Well…our bodies are designed with equal or greater complexity than a vehicle so…
It should stand to reason that we need to be proactive here as well, RIGHT?
The answer most certainly is YES, and let me explain further.
Let’s take minor knee pain for example. You know that slight nagging soreness that is starting to limit how active you are. The pain that your physician (or orthopedic) says is arthritis and there is nothing that can be done. That is until you decide to have that inevitable knee replacement.

Well… that does not have to be the case.
By being proactive and addressing the small issues when you are say 39 or 45 will enable you to be much more active (and feel better at 65) than you otherwise would. Those little aches or pains may actually go away by working on strength, flexibility, balance and more. See, that rest or avoidance mentality (perpetuated by the medical community at large) does NOTHING but cause lack of mobility and function years down the road.
As a healthcare provider we can and must do better for the individuals we treat.
I can say with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY that putting off that knee replacement is absolutely possible IF…a person is willing to put in the work AND not wait until they can’t walk to begin the process.
How can I be so certain? Because I have worked with and witnessed numerous individuals be proactive and stave off surgery. In fact one individual is now 10 years into the future since our first encounter- still with their original knee because they put in the work.
If you are looking for how to take that next step by being proactive, Click THIS LINK to get more information.