People often wonder what to do about stiff knees. It is not uncommon for people to develop knee stiffness as they age. They will notice this issue upon getting up in the morning or if they were sitting for a prolonged period of time. Often the stiffness will go away after walking around a few minutes (maybe 20-30 minutes in the morning). This stiffness is often a bother or annoyance to the person.
The good news is this issue can be addressed. First and foremost, if the stiffness reduces with movement, then move more often. Limit the amount of spent sitting at any one time. Get up and move every 20-30 minutes (when possible). If you do that, you very likely will deal with less stiffness during the day.
Now with respect to the stiffness upon rising, this will be a bit more challenging. You are obviously not getting up from sleep every 30 minutes to move. What happens is fluids in the knee change at night with lack of moving about (and the same thing when sitting for hours). This is a big factor in the stiffness. What can be done is to perform regular movements immediately upon rising to reduce the duration of the stiffness a person experiences. What movements you ask? Well, that will be a bit individualized but most often repeated bending and straightening of the knee will do the trick.
Additional factors such as muscle strength and flexibility can play into the equation as well. This is where working with a muscle and joint expert can be valuable. This person can fully assess the situation and develop a program best suited to address the stiff knee concerns. Then once you learn what to do, it becomes important to carry over the program either at home or working out in a gym.
Want more information on trying to get rid of stiff knees?
If so, CLICK THE LINK to request a call with an expert.