As a physical therapist (PT) it is obvious (to me) who I help, but for many they might wonder who a PT helps. As in who or what does a Physical Therapist help a person with?
So let’s talk about the who and what a PT helps.
A PT is a neuromusculoskeletal expert meaning they help people with muscle, joint, and/or neurological issues that impact their mobility, function, or independence. What this means is for any person who has trouble with their daily life tasks a PT is likely to be able to help.

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Too often people suffer for weeks, months, or even longer with an issue. This issue may be impacting sleep, work, and/or home life. These troubles may be due to pain, weakness, flexibility issues, balance, or trouble walking. This does not have to be the case.
From head to toe and everything in between these neuromusculoskeletal experts can help. PTs specialize in issues such as orthopedics, neuromuscular issues, geriatrics, pediatrics, cardiovascular health, women’s health and more.
These subspecialities cover quite a lot of ground. It means very likely you can find a PT who specialize in your area of need. Whether you are someone who suffers from neck or back pain, shoulder or knee pain an orthopedic specialist can help. For those with MS, parkinson’s, spinal cord issues – there is a neuromuscular PT who can help. Older adults concerned about losing their independence and falling, geriatric specialists can help. What all this means is there is NO reason for anyone to struggle with pain or impaired function.
Now is a great time to get those new or nagging issues addressed. Generally speaking the longer an issue is present, the longer it takes to resolve…so fast action is always recommended.
Not sure if PT is right for you?
Check out this FREE Guide that answers some of the most common questions asked by people who are not sure if seeing a Physical Therapist is right for them.