For many individuals with neck pain they will discover stretching may not help. They will complain their neck feels tight but the tight feeling never REALLY leaves…no matter how much they stretch. The feeling even returns quickly after those nice massages that people will often get in attempt to relieve that tightness. Why is this?
The answer is that the muscles are actually over-stretched. That’s right – over-stretched. This is a real thing many who suffer with neck pain deal with.

How does this happen? Daily life stress and strain, routine posture/positions create the environment for this to happen. The good news is there is a way to discover if this is the problem…and then if it is the case there is a SOLUTION for it.
To determine if this may be the case, position yourself sitting up tall in a chair. Turn your head side to side slowly and take note of any tension you may feel about the neck. Next rest your arms comfortably on top of some pillows such that your shoulders feel relaxed. Then you will repeat turning your head slowly side to side. If the motion now seems further and/or it is less tense, then the muscles are probably over-stretched and stretching is not the solution.
The solution will involve working on strengthening of the shoulder blade muscles as well as the neck muscles. The simplest thing to try at home (VIDEO) is to routinely sit tall, pinch your shoulder blades and attempt to press your slightly back while keeping your eyes looking straight. There should be no tilting up or down of the head. If this causes real pain, not just stiffness, stop until you consult a rehab provider.
The biggest take home beyond this simple exercise is that movement is key. The more we move our body the less stress and strain one is likely to feel.
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