For those living with neck pain many wonder why stretching doesn’t solve neck pain. People will often say regardless of how often they stretch the pain remains. Maybe the stretches relieve the tension for a few minutes, but it always returns. Weeks and months will pass doing the same stretches (cranking on the neck) without a real change. WHY?
The answer to this may be the neck does not need to be stretched. The typical response is but my neck feels tight. This situation happens because the muscles can actually be actually “over-stretched”. That is correct…over-stretched. It is quite common for the neck muscles (upper trap, levator scapula, and scalenes) to be overly stretched. HOW? Simply put daily life. All that time spent, and work done with the shoulders rounded and head poked forward create an environment for this to happen. That is unless a person does other activities during the day to balance the muscle work.

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What the lack of response to stretching means is the person does not need to stretch, they need to work on strengthening instead. While this concept might seem strange, it often works quite well. Addressing the strength of the neck flexor muscles in addition to the upper back/scapular muscles will often solve the problem. That is in conjunction with not aggressively stretching the neck. Additionally, a specific home program to be done several times per day is often the ticket to relieving those tense painful neck muscles. If a person does not complete the necessary homework, they very likely will continue to deal with the same annoying neck troubles.
Are you ready to be done living with neck pain that is unrelieved with stretching?
If so, there is no time like the present to solve this problem.
There is no need to wait and suffer any longer completing daily stretches without relief.
For more information on how to solve the issue of tense neck muscles – CLICK THIS LNK to request a consultation