Top 3 Reasons to See a PT for those Aches or Pains
If you are like most people, you will wait and see if your ache or pain gets better. Count me as one of them and I am a PT. The difference is, my education and…
If you are like most people, you will wait and see if your ache or pain gets better. Count me as one of them and I am a PT. The difference is, my education and…
An interesting trend happens every year about this time – people are on a mission to address those aches and pains they let linger for weeks or months. Why is that? Well, from about mid-…
Its January again, so it is that time of year when you will be inundated with New Year’s type articles. You will read all about getting healthy by eating better, losing, weight, exercising, and more.…
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is one of over 100 different recognized types of arthritis. RA is a type of autoimmune issue that results in chronic inflammation often associated with pain and joint damage. RA is found…
Has back pain got you down?…Keeping you from enjoying the activities you want to enjoy?...Preventing you from working due to the pain? Disrupting your sleep? If so, then read on to learn how early care…
In part two of this PT Month series I will shed light on just who a physical therapist is and what ones does/who they help. A physical therapist has doctorate level training in conservatively managing…
It hurts to turn my head driving – is something I hear every week from a client. It is a very common complaint and not a good (safe) thing to hear. It is kind of…
So your neck hurts at work, does it? Well…join the tens or even hundreds of thousands of others with the same issue. Why is this? What is it about work that causes a person’s neck…
The patella tendon is the thick tendon structure that connects the knee cap to the shin bone. This tendon serves a vital role and at times can become irritated or painful. This irritation is often…
Millions of individuals have complaints of leg pain. In the majority of cases this leg pain is of what we call musculoskeletal origin. This means the pain is coming from the muscles and/or joints of…
Zang Physical Therapy ~ 3514 Trindle Road Camp Hill PA 17011 ~ 717-440-6197, Fax: 717-388-4333 ~ andrew@zangpt.com ~