Why you need (at least a little) HELP for a Sprained Ankle?
It all starts with a sprained ankle. A twist, large or small, swollen and bruised or not. The question becomes can I just walk it off? For many individuals with a small twist or turn…
It all starts with a sprained ankle. A twist, large or small, swollen and bruised or not. The question becomes can I just walk it off? For many individuals with a small twist or turn…
The principles of Pilates are consistent with an exercise program that promotes back health and can help relieve back pain. Learning awareness of the alignment of the spine and strengthening the postural muscles are two…
When you hear Back Pain, what do you think about? Do you think of it as an issue that will resolve on its own or one needs some treatment? What if I told you it…
Every night tens of thousands of individuals struggle to sleep due to neck pain. Most have tried different positions, spent $100’s of dollars on pillows, medications, etc often without relief. And this leads to the…
Did you know there is a type of headache linked to neck pain? It is more common than you think and is called a cervicogenic headache (meaning neck related headache). Individuals with this type of…
That snap, crackle, or pop (of the neck), is it a bad thing? This is an often-asked question by people with neck pain. In most instances the answer to this question is NO, there is…
For many individuals with neck pain they will discover stretching may not help. They will complain their neck feels tight but the tight feeling never REALLY leaves…no matter how much they stretch. The feeling even…
For individuals who experience numbness or tingling into their arm or hand many often ask why? Where is it coming from? To better answer this question, more questions need to be asked and an examination…
There is a common misconception out there that exercise will make knee pain worse. If the person was to run, jump and do heavy squats – maybe. But what I am talking about here is…
For the past 20+ years, knee scopes (or clean up procedures) have been sold as an easy way to solve knee pain in the US. They are a way to clean out “arthritis” or “fix”…
Zang Physical Therapy ~ 3514 Trindle Road Camp Hill PA 17011 ~ 717-440-6197, Fax: 717-388-4333 ~ andrew@zangpt.com ~