What is the cause of shooting arm pain? This is often the 1st question asked by someone suffering. To better answer this question, a few more details are necessary. That is because the pain could be coming from either the neck or shoulder.
To begin with, does the shooting arm pain following a specific pattern? This is a key element as patterns help to determine the likely source. If there is a specific pattern of pain, this increases the chance the pain is related to the neck. Should there be a randomness to the pain, that may suggest a more local arm source.
Next, what provokes the shooting arm pain? Think about what posture, position, or movement cause the pain. Does it get worse with head movements? What about reaching with the arm? Or maybe it just is there without a specific pattern again. The body part moving that produces the pain is more likely the source. That said, if there is only randomness to the pain, further investigation still must happen.

Photo Credit: amjmed
On this hunt to determine the source, we also ask the question – what makes the pain better? Knowing what posture, position, or movement eases the pain is also helpful. Things like laying down with the head supported, resting the hand on top of the head, or propping the arm can also point in the direction of the source.
All this information and much more is necessary to determine the true source of shooting arm pain. As such, this is certainly a scenario where folks are less likely to take the wait and see approach. When people experience these sensations, it tends to get their attention and lead to faster action. But who should one see for this problem? Well, that depends on what a person is looking for. Meds, injection, or a solution.
If one wants only medication or an injection to take the pain away (a band-aide) then a PCP or ortho is just fine. However, if a person wants to know not only the source but a solution to the problem, then a muscle and joint expert is the best option. This skilled provider will learn the answers to these questions and many more. Then using this information, they will provide the answer to what is causing shooting arm pain and offer a solution.
This solution will often be some combination of hands-on care plus active exercise. These elements have been shown time and again to be highly effective at relieving pain of all sorts.
Not sure of the next step?
Click HERE to request a phone call with a muscle and joint expert who will be able to guide you to the next important step…so that you no longer have to suffer from shooting arm pain.