My Neck Hurts At Work
So your neck hurts at work, does it? Well…join the tens or even hundreds of thousands of others with the same issue. Why is this? What is it about work that causes a person’s neck…
So your neck hurts at work, does it? Well…join the tens or even hundreds of thousands of others with the same issue. Why is this? What is it about work that causes a person’s neck…
Are you someone whose neck makes noises when you turn or move your head? Many individuals express concern about the noises their neck (or other body part makes), especially when that body part “hurts”. But…
The moment anyone feels any sort of pain in their neck and/or arm most automatically assume it is a pinched nerve. But is it really a pinched nerve or rather something else? Did you know…
When many individuals have knee pain (or any pain for that matter), most do not think about staying active. A good majority of people avoid activity due to pain...But is that the right way of…
Many individuals have creaking or cracking of their knees, but is that really a problem? In most cases – NO, but the answer is not necessarily a simple one. To more fully answer it, more…
The patella tendon is the thick tendon structure that connects the knee cap to the shin bone. This tendon serves a vital role and at times can become irritated or painful. This irritation is often…
Too often after people finish a course of physical therapy (especially when they feel better) will stop their program that helped them achieve their goal(s). Why is that? Lets just say it is human nature……
Bunions or Hallux Abductus Valgus (technically speaking) is a deviation of the big toe such that a bump or protrusion appears on the inside. In many individuals the big toe will actually point inward toward…
Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the plantar fascia. This is the thick tissue that helps support the foot arch running from the heel to the base of the toes. Many with heel or arch…
The Arthritis Foundation reports over 30 million people live with osteoarthritis in the US. Nearly 25% of aging adults will develop symptomatic hip arthritis. On average over 500,000 people undergo a hip replacement each year.…
Zang Physical Therapy ~ 3514 Trindle Road Camp Hill PA 17011 ~ 717-440-6197, Fax: 717-388-4333 ~ ~