Why Physical Therapy 1st
For those with an injury or issue impacting daily life, they might ask the question Why Physical Therapy 1st? The simple answer is because fast action leads to fast result. BUT…really they want to know…
For those with an injury or issue impacting daily life, they might ask the question Why Physical Therapy 1st? The simple answer is because fast action leads to fast result. BUT…really they want to know…
As a physical therapist (PT) it is obvious (to me) who I help, but for many they might wonder who a PT helps. As in who or what does a Physical Therapist help a person…
2020 marks that year that Physical Therapy (as we know it today) turns 100. Quite a lot has happened in the last 100 years of this profession. Now the role that a physical therapist plays…
Who should I see 1st for my back pain is an excellent question. It is one thought about by many as each year millions suffer with a new episode of back pain. Often people’s 1st…
It is a common occurrence that people find stretching doesn't help their back pain. Why is it that stretching doesn’t always work? Well, for one stretching just doesn’t work for everyone. There is no one…
When you hear back pain, what do you think about? Do you think of it as an issue that will resolve on its own or one needs some treatment? What if I told you back…
Every year millions of individuals undergo a joint replacement (hip or knee). The overall success rate with those procedures at reducing pain and improving function is quite high. That said, limitations following joint replacement surgery…
Hip bursitis as an injury or issue is a very common complaint. Bursitis is an inflammation or irritation of a bursa sac. These are fluid filled and serve to reduce friction between muscles and tendons/muscle…
Often IT Band Syndrome (ITB) is blamed for leg pain, but is it really the source? With this as the backdrop, lets get into more specifics here. The ITB is a band of fibrous non-elastic…
No one actually wants a knee surgery, but every year over a million opt for it. This includes knee replacements along with other procedures to address meniscal or joint issues (not ligament related). This begs…
Zang Physical Therapy ~ 3514 Trindle Road Camp Hill PA 17011 ~ 717-440-6197, Fax: 717-388-4333 ~ andrew@zangpt.com ~